My story..

Some say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor, that leave your soul to bleed.
I say love, it is a flower,and you are the only seed ♥

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My First time that i late for class.

Hmmm.Here is the story line.last night i slept at 2 something.because of that stupid esl topics!think over again and again.My class start at 8.I wake up at 6:30.i get ready at 7:30.Since i still got 15 min free time.I decided to have a nap.I try to see the numbers on the watch and Oooops.I just realiased that i've overslept!I dashed off.I saw my friend is going to school too.but his class start at 9a.m.hahaha..I just run in without the student id.I just entered the class.they're having the chemistry's about the colour of the flame.I wanna play!but i can only play for 2 unknown metal.haihh..

After class,i meet Wei keat in front if inti college.he is wearing red and his background is red in colour.How I'm going to see him right.We decided to have our lunch.BUT!!!he say he lazy to walk back.he just bought some bread.
I did a random stuff!I wear Taylor student id and walk into Inti College.hahaha.Luckily the guard did not saw it.besides that,I'm still wearing and i did not notice that.xD

When i reach home,i slept for 4 hours.My nap is quite long.hahaha.

Good night..=)

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