My story..

Some say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor, that leave your soul to bleed.
I say love, it is a flower,and you are the only seed ♥

Sunday, May 15, 2011

So called fairy tales

"Prince charming & princess will live happily ever after"
This is our favourite bedtime story.when we were small, we used to believe that every relationship will have a happy ending.At that moment, we start to create our own storyline.

"I don't want other Cinderella story,
I don't even want a Twilight story,
All i want is YOU&ME, ME&YOU.
Together.our own story,
Our own happy ending."

As time passes by, we grow up day by day, years by years. We start learn everything about love.Things have changed and flowers have wilted.Love also fade away.The thought of fairy tales start to fade too. In the real life, there's no such thing as "happy ending" or so called fairy tales.Everybody in this world want a happy relationship, just like the fairy tales.It's simple.But why this can change from simple to complicate?Tears start to involve in our life. It's like our daily routine. Tears roll down our cheek, they're so easy to wipe off onto our sleeves, but it's hard to erase the stain in our heart.Tears are those words that our heart can't express.A dream that full with love turns to a nightmare.
End up with a broken heart.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

People crash into each others.

Today after class went to buy BUBBLE TEA( Japanese Matcha Red bean & Passion fruit QQ) Guess what??I waited two cups of bubble tea for 1 hours and 15 minutes.Sound so stupid.A random guy just talk to me.As i know, his name is either Jason or Johnson.I just know that start with the letter "J". That time, I can't hear clearly. He is from Sunway and he is a nice guy =) .His friend is a weirdo!His attitude and his face expression is weird, like a uncle. Maybe. After that, I just went to the library study for one and a half hour.It's like AWESOME! My dear called me. She say that I'm with a bunch of my Sunway friends at snowflake now. " DO you wanna come?" At that moment, I make up my mind.Sorry to Terence.hahahaha.
I feel so happy when i saw them. They are like my second family. As i told my problems to dear, she say something that is quite true.
"Why on this earth got this type of guys?!Better don't want this type of guy!"
Wayih and Yi ci is the most bless couple ever. They are so lucky that they can met each others in this world.This world is big, full with millions & millions of people.Is this how people crash into each other?Are this called fate??? I don't know that when is my turn?
We went for pool. I ALOMOST win Nicholas.Fighting for that black ball.LOL.
Ash just broke the whole branch of the tree.Just outside of my block.He's like the plant abuser. I think his hand is full of lipids. hahahaha.
Today, I met Taylor and Sunway's friends. Quite happy.
And one more thing, I didn't have my lunch and dinner.WOW!!DIET. hahahaha

Tomorrow I will be more happy than today.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

thank you, mummy

This is last year mother's day picture.Sorry mummy, this year I can't celebrate with you.
A mother's love is unconditional.
When I were a baby, she was afraid of that I will not grow up healthy.
When I were a small kid, she was afraid that I will not used to it in the kindergarden.
When I were in a primary school, she was afraid that I can't follow up the studies.
When I were a teenagers, she was afraid that I will get influence by the society.
When i enter college, She was afraid that I will not have a good meal and rest.
You're worried about me every time and everywhere.
You're the best mum in the world.
I <3 you
Happy Mother's day to all of the mum in the world.

Full with loveeee.

I'm tired with my life

I wish that the rain could take away all my sadness.
You walk out on me.Why??For the very reason that I did not even realise that you had decided to walk out on had made your unceremonious exit.You did not mince your words when you said that i was annoying.Your words hurt me to the very core.I was in the doldrums.
Crying is an anodyne to me. I had done enough of that. My tear ducts had all seemed dried up.Time heals all wounds. Only time would tell. For the moment, I'm like a wounded animal, licking its wound, still unable to grips with the stark reality confronting me. I tried to seek a reconciliation.
They said that " Every cloud has a sliver lining." But what I could see is dark ominous cloud.
I'm a sucker for love. I just wanted to be cared. Is that too much of the asking?
I want to know the reason why you walk out on me. At least let me know the truth.