My story..

Some say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor, that leave your soul to bleed.
I say love, it is a flower,and you are the only seed ♥

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My New year dress.=D

I bought this dress at Topshop in Penang Queensbay.=)
At the first sight i saw this dress,I love it very much.I want it.but it's too expensive.It costs almost RM 250.when i saw the price,i walk out the shop with a broken heart.=(
after 1 month,i felt regret.I really want this dress,but i can't find it.
Miracle happened!!!
Sueednly,i saw this dress again.seem like we have fate.hahaha.I try it and but it.hee.^-^
Love it.<3

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