My story..

Some say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor, that leave your soul to bleed.
I say love, it is a flower,and you are the only seed ♥

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(15th of dec)go out with friend...

swimming pOOl
(15th of dec 09)Yesterday,i go to swimming with my friends...there have 5 of us...actually,we all want to go at 8:30a.m...but my fren (jp)9:30 only reach another friend;s house(wy)..whne we reach there already 10a.m...we swim n play until 12:00...haha...we go n play water slide..five of us slide down together...then,my fren kick my back...T_Tso pain....we all play happily...but the weather is so hot..!!
friend's house
after that,we went to (wc) house..go there and eat maggie mee...haha...that time so hungry lo....some of us play piano and fren play piano look so handsome and so attractive.!! girl's dream prince!! 2:30,we went friend somemore go to interview..

*.when i reach home..i notice that i got sunburn...OH NO!!!and my skin had become dark....T_Tafter bath,i put some aloe vera on my something burning on my hot....!!at 5:30,they just now decided to go n climb i need to wake up at 4:45p.m..i change my shirt and waiting my fren come and fetch me...i phone my fren ask then weather they had ready..."manatau"..they say they cant go already..."put aeroplane"haha....

I so worried about my face....i want to put mask..but my daddy say..better dont i just put aloe vera...what to do...????my face feel so hot...haizzz....i dont want to go out already...dec wheather so hot....the SUN can kill people wan...if here also can snow like astruilla...then good lo...haha....but wont happened wan...=.=

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