My story..

Some say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor, that leave your soul to bleed.
I say love, it is a flower,and you are the only seed ♥

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Exam week.

heyyy all. I'm having my trial exam. Apparently, this is the second day of exam. So, I have 3 subjects to go . I'm going to fail my physics, I don't know how to do at all. When I'm having my exam, I realized that cute guy.hahahah. Now I know that he is from G1. LOL. i think that I'm like a stalker. but now i don't see him. herrmmm. he is neither in the cafeteria nor study lounge. I think maybe he is in the library or sleeping at home. oh yea... I remember that I dream about him today when I'm having my nap. hahahaha. damm cute.
okie la.. need to study Bio now. wish me luck =)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Do I really forget you?

"Do I really forget you?"
I ask this question to myself quite a lot of times. But I still don't know the answer.
Am I lying to myself that I had forgotten you. Why this time I can't forget you?why??Can anyone tell me? I'm such a loser.
Sometimes look at those couple, I've a thought.
" I want love & care from somebody."
This sentence lead my mind to him. I remember how you care about me. I just can't stop thinking about you. Please get rid from my mind. Just go away.